Acupressure to help ease a child with a cough
If you have a child that is sick and coughing especially when they go to bed at night or when the sun starts to set, then this combination of acupuncture points Lung 5 and 6 can help ease the cough.
When you apply pressure to these points like the video shows, make sure you go in slow with the pressure as usually these points will be tender if the child is sick and coughing.
Gently massage these points and the surrounding areas on both arms to help ease the coughing, you can do this regularly throughout the day and in a coughing episode. I like to use firm but gentle pressure on the points for 3 seconds and then take off the pressure for 3 seconds and then re-apply the pressure until coughing eases or sometimes it feels nice to just gently massage the general area of these points.
Give it a go as it's a very hands on tool that you can do anywhere to help soothe the coughing.
Our kids Chinese herbal formula for coughs and colds are also another effective tool to help in this area and they taste great. They are granules that you dissolve in warm water and the child drinks it down like special tea.
I hope this helps for all those who have a nasty cough, especially the kids.
Best, Tabitha
Tags:babiescoughwellbeingGold Coastcongestedacupressurechinese herbs |