According to Traditional Chinese Medicine "Acupuncture is believed to restore the balance between Ying and Yang". This can be translated into Western Medicine terminology as "Acupuncture modulates the imbalance between the parasympathetic and sympathetic activity".


Commonly Treated
Acupuncture is fast becoming popular in the treatment of addiction. There are many different types of addictions, from eating and smoking, to drug and alcohol addictions. We can provide treatments to not only relieve the addiction but to support you emotionally on your journey. Acupuncture is extremely relaxing and can calm the mind and work to remove toxins stored in your body. We look at the health of your Liver, Kidney and Lungs which are primarily deficient due to their constant need to eliminate toxins and harmful substances. We also facilitate your process by being curious to what is the underlying reason for your addiction. Once this is identified and becomes known to you, we will help with your overall healing and ability to manage your life.
For more information on how acupuncture can help addiction, email us or call us on (07) 5535 8054
There are many different biomedical terms that fall under the umbrella of anxiety including; panic disorders, phobias and obsessive compulsive disorders. There are similarly a number of diagnosis' in TCM that can be the root cause of your anxiety. TCM places emphasis on the Heart's role in your health as it is affected by and controls most emotions and governs Blood in the body. Blood, if abundant, helps to keep the mind stable. The Spleen and Kidney play important roles in harmonising anxiety as the Spleen is affected by worry and the Kidney by fear. We assess your current health condition through questions, pulse taking, palpation and inspection to determine which disharmony has resulted in your condition.
What's unique about Studio Qi, is that Brad and Tabitha have experience in following your individual process to relieve anxiety or any other mind related conditions.
For more information on how we can help you relieve your anxiety or more information on Acufacilitation, email us or call us on (07) 5535 8054
Acupuncture is effective at improving the function of the Lungs and Kidney which in Chinese medicine are responsible for respiration. Acupuncture has been reported to have an immediate response on relieving the symptoms associated with asthma. As asthma is an inflammation of the airways, Acupuncture has been shown to encourage bronchodilation and prevent against bronchoconstriction. Simply put, acupuncture can reduce airway inflammation resulting in more efficient breathing.
In Chinese Medicine, the Lungs and the Kidneys work together to protect the body against allergens. By improving the function of both of these, Acupuncture can resist asthma attacks that are provoked by allergies and weather changes. In some cases where asthma attacks are caused by emotional strain, Acupuncture can be used to calm the mind, limiting the bronchospasm response. Chinese medicine practitioners also look at dietary components to treat asthma as the Spleen and the Lung have a close relationship. If the Spleen is not functioning properly then phlegm can be formed and stored in the Lungs, exacerbating asthma. Chinese herbs as well as Acupuncture are great for clearing the phlegm associated with asthma. Clinically, we have seen a great response, especially from children suffering from asthma also. We have Chinese herbs for both adults and children.
For more information on how acupuncture can help asthma email us or call us on (07) 5535 8054
Bedwetting, also known as Nocturnal Enuresis, is extremely common among children and there is little understanding as to the cause in biomedical science. People suffering from this condition can be prescribed medication or counseling to help, with no guarantee of success. In Chinese medicine, we see bedwetting as a fluid metabolism problem and aim to correct the imbalance from the direct cause. We start by looking at the associated organs; Kidney, Spleen and Lungs which are the main organs involved in fluid metabolism. The Lungs help to transport water downwards, the Spleen is in charge of the movement and transformation of fluids and the Kidneys control the opening and closing of the urethra as well as the fluid associated with the Bladder. When we interview you/your child, we look to find which of these organs are imbalanced so we can improve its function. Children respond quickly to acupuncture and we've seen fantastic results. If you're worried about using needles in the treatment, we can use an infra red laser which is non invasive but very effective.
For more information on how acupuncture can help with bedwetting, email us or call us on (07) 5535 8054
Bloating refers to a subjective feeling of an enlarged abdomen, whereas abdominal distention is literally an enlargement of the abdomen. There a many causes of both conditions which are predominantly associated with the dysfunction of the Stomach and Spleen. If for any reason, there is a blockage of the smooth flow of Qi or food through the abdominal area, bloating can result. We can treat this by encouraging the movement of the blockage, allowing for food and Qi to move, relieving the feeling.
If you would like to know more about diarrhea and how we can help you, email us or ring Studio Qi on (07) 5535 8054
We commonly treat children and babies for colds and sore throats, ear-aches, constipation, bed wetting, teething, fever, colic, and headaches. Children and babies respond very quickly to acupuncture treatments and we have some amazing herbs that will complement their recovery.
Lazers are used for babies treatments and we have special child sized needles for the other youngters. The treatments are fast and even if you child does become nervous we have many soothing childrens toys and games that take their minds away from the needles or laser. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to call us on (07) 5535 8054.
To read Tabitha's blog on treating children please click here
The common cold is one of the simplest but most effective conditions treated with Acupuncture. In TCM, a cold, especially in its earlier stages, is said to be a pathogenic factor that is in the exterior of the body (the defensive portion of the body). The reason you experience sneezing, runny nose and feelings of alternating chills and fever is because you're body is attempting to fight off the invasion. If you're reasonably healthy, your body will win this battle, but if you've been feeling run down or stressed, your body will not have the strength to stand up to it. Acupuncture works by strengthening your defense system to expel the pathogen. Treatments are best when you first notice your cold or flu symptoms to give your body a good chance of a quick recovery. At this crucial stage, we will also prescribe you cold and flu herbs to help.
For more information on how acupuncture can help with colds, email us or call us on (07) 5535 8054
It's been found that approximately 60% of babies suffer from colic. This high number could be due to the fact that there are some grey areas as to what colic is because of the symptoms babies show, which could be the result of a number of conditions. The main signs babies present with are crying, irritability for no apparent reason and inability to settle. From a biomedical perspective, there is little information that explains exactly the cause. From a TCM point of view, colic can be caused by coldness in the Spleen and Stomach. In a Western sense, the Spleen doesn't have much of a function, however as Acupuncturists, we learn that the Spleen is the major organ involved in the transformation and the transportation of food once we've ingested it. If there is not enough warmth or energy available to aid the movement and digestion of the food, your baby can feel bloated and restless and experience pain and wind, which in any of these cases, results in crying. To relieve this, we harmonise the function of the Spleen and its energy to help move food through your babies' digestive system. We will also talk to you about diet and Chinese herbs which will aid in the treatment process.
For more information on how acupuncture can help with colic, email us or call us on (07) 55 358 054
Up to 30% of Australians suffer from some form of constipation. Fortunately, Acupuncture and Chinese herbs have shown great results in treating this condition whatever the known or unknown cause. In Chinese medicine, there are two main causes of constipation; fluid deficiency and Qi stagnation. In China, they use a metaphor to describe constipation where they compare the stool to a boat. They say that there is either "not enough water (fluid) to sail the boat", which means the stool is too dry. Or they say there is "not enough wind (energy or Qi) to fill the sails", meaning the stool cannot move (
To treat this condition, we need to look further into your signs and symptoms to find where the stagnation or fluid deficiency came from. We use Acupuncture to encourage your Kidneys and Lungs to regulate water passages and increase fluid to the Large Intestine or promote the movement of Qi to build enough energy (Qi) to "fill the sails" and move the stool through the intestines. Chinese herbs are also a great adjunct to acupuncture to continue the treatment in between Acupuncture appointments.
See our video on how to relieve constipation or bloating with a simple tummy massage.
If you would like to know more about constipation and how we can help you, email us or ring us on (07) 5535 8054
Depression is one of the most common mental health disorders. It is a condition that involves the body, moods and thoughts. It affects the way you think about yourself and the way you think about situations and life in general. Acupuncture is a popular alternative medicine intervention used to treat this specific mental condition. There have been numerous clinical studies showing the positive effects of Acupuncture and more importantly the benefits associated with treating anxiety and depression.
A recently publicised study by Wang (2008) supported that Acupuncture was an effective treatment that could significantly reduce the severity of disease in patients with depression. Furthermore a study conducted by Luo (1998) suggested that Electroacupuncture (EA) stimulation influences the brain and is a beneficial therapeutic method for depressive disorders. Clinical research has shown that EA treatment for depression is just as effective as the drug amitriptyline, however the side effects of EA were significantly less.
From a Chinese Medicine perspective, depression can be caused by a number of organ deficiencies including; Liver Qi stagnation and weakness of the spleen, heart and kidneys. Weaknesses in the spleen can lead to problems with fatigue and digestion, causing phlegm to affect the mind. The spleen may also affect the quality of the blood in the body, affecting the heart resulting in insomnia and restlessness.
According to Chinese Medicine, the mind (known as shen) is housed in the heart and when there is too much heat in the heart or an inability to hold the blood, it results in 'shen disturbances', which can lead to psychiatric conditions.
Acupuncture can improve Liver Qi stagnation, improve the function and quality of the blood and remove heat from the heart. It will also improve the function of the spleen and kidneys to help sufferers resolve their depression.
Acupuncture is a scientifically proven, healthier option for the treatment of anxiety and depression disorders.
If you feel you suffer from depression, anxiety or other mind related conditions ring Studio Qi on (07) 5535 8054 for an appointment and Brad and Tabitha can explain how acupuncture can help you.
Diarrhea is when you eliminate feces that are watery and shapeless. There are a number of disorders of the body which can explain this, which will be assessed when you have an initial consultation. We primarily look at the functioning of your Spleen and Stomach as these organs are responsible for the transformation and transportation of food. Problems causing diarrhea can be from an external source, for example eating something which is off or from an internal organ dysfunction. It is for this reason we need to assess your individual digestive system so we can develop a unique treatment.
If you would like to know more about diarrhea and how we can help you,email usring Studio Qi on (07) 5535 8054
In Chinese medicine, the location, nature of pain and accompanying signs and symptoms of a headache/migraine are really important in diagnosing the cause of your pain. The head is an important meeting place for the energy channel of your body, because the blood and Qi of all the organs rise to the head. If for some reason, these channels are blocked, by an external factor or an organ dysfunction, Qi and Blood become stagnant and pain results.
We will be interested to know if your headache is located on the top of your head (vertex), lateral side of head, on your forehead or at the back of your head. Each of these places points us in the direction of a specific organ system. We will also be enquiring as to what aggravates or relieves the pain, as this can be important as well. We will then use Acupuncture and prescribe Chinese herbs if needed to correct the imbalance and reduce your pain.
If you would like to know more about headaches and how we can help you, email us or ring Studio Qi on (07) 5535 8054
Acupuncture is supported with scientific evidence reporting a 65% increase in successful pregnancy when Acupuncture is combined with your IVF treatment. Kidneys, Uterus and Heart as key reproductive organs. When these organs are functioning optimally and working together, the quality of your eggs are improved. With the quality of the eggs being as important as the quantity, we work with your body to support and nourish them. Acupuncture simultaneously increases the thickness of your endometrium and assists in the implantation of your egg to your uterus wall. The most important reason for receiving acupuncture is that it will reduce stress encouraging relaxation. For more information click here
There are five different ways insomnia can be described; difficulty falling asleep, waking early in the morning, inability to sleep through the night, restless sleep and dream-disturbed sleep. The main organ associated with difficulty sleeping is the Heart. In Chinese medicine, the Heart is where the mind (in Chinese, known as Shen) is stored. If there is any imbalance to the nourishment of the Heart, the mind cannot relax and insomnia results. To treat insomnia, we look for which organ system is not functioning in its job in nourishing the mind and we support it with Acupuncture and Chinese herbs. If there is a deficiency of Qi or Blood, we can build these, if there is a stagnation that is blocking the Heart from functioning, we can encourage movement all to relieve your insomnia.
If you would like to know more about insomnia and how we can help you, email us or ring Studio Qi on (07) 5535 8054
Every cycle that passes by should do that, just 'pass by'. We as women don't have to put up with unnecessary mental, emotional and physical pain once a month, it is your right to life as an empowered woman. Most women suffer from PMT in varying degrees. Symptoms can depend on age, diet, environment, stress levels and lifestyle. It is one of our specialties, however to work with these hormone imbalances by primarily dealing with disharmonies of the Liver. The Liver deals with the breaking down of hormones and toxins and Acupuncture encourages the free flow function of our Liver allowing this to happen regularly. In Chinese medicine, we can tell if your Liver is not functioning at its best by asking a few simple questions:
Do you:
1. Have a tendency to get frustrated and angry?
2. Sigh often?
3. Suffer with any degree of PMT?
4. Experience itchy or burning eyes?
5. Get tired often but feel better after exercise?
6. Get pain under your ribs to the right side of your body?
7. Feel stiff in your muscles especially shoulders and neck?
8. Wake between 1-3 am for no real reason?
We treat women on a daily basis suffering from long or short periods, painful periods, sore breasts, fluid retention, depression before the period, ovulation pain, skin break-outs around menstruation, mood swings and headaches at period time.
If you would like to know more about PMT and how we can help you, email us or ring Studio Qi on (07) 5535 8054
We have experience in treating women and men for any areas surrounding pregnancy. From the conception phase to morning sickness to breeched position and for support and balance after your child is born. We also have much to offer in the way of support around miscarriages and aiding in your bodies recovery.
Please see our IVF and fertility section for details on causes of infertility and how Studio Qi can help you achieve your pregnancy goals.
If you would like to know more about pregnancy, IVF or infertility, email us or ring Studio Qi on (07) 5535 8054
In Chinese medicine, obesity is considered a failure in the functioning of the Spleen and/or Kidney. These two organs share a major responsibility in digestion; the Kidneys provide the warmth to the Spleen to allow food to be transformed to give your body nutrients and energy. If the Spleen doesn't transform food properly or the Kidneys don't provide enough warmth, food can stagnate and phlegm and dampness result. Your metabolism becomes slow and food doesn't get broken down and eliminated. The dampness prevents the free flow of energy and you can feel tired and heavy. As the Kidneys are also responsible for fluid metabolism, you can get a build up of fluid if they are not functioning properly. Acupuncture is extremely effective in encouraging the Spleen and Kidney to function correctly. We will also be interested in your diet and encourage you to change a few aspects which will also aid the Spleen and Kidney to do their job properly. There may be a number of reasons why your Kidneys or your Spleen need encouraging and your reason will be completely different to somebody elses. It's for this reason we need to talk to you and find out which direction to go in to reduce your obesity.
If you would like to know more about how acupuncture can help you, email us or ring us on (07) 5535 8054
This subject of pain relief (or analgesia) is one widely researched, especially in evidence-based medicine as it is interesting to biomedical science how Acupuncture can be so effective for such a common and complicated condition. There are many different types of pain which have different diagnosis in T raditional Chinese medicine. We will be especially interested in the characteristics of your pain (dull, sharp, radiating), what type of movements aggravate your pain, how it occurred, if your pain is better for cold or heat and if any types of food make it feel worse (if you have digestion pain).
We have clinical experience in treating the following pain conditions:
- Bloating and distension
- Heartburn
- Musculoskeletal
- Chest pain
- Headaches and migraines (see our headaches and migraines tab)
- Fibromyalgia
- Osteo - degenerating vertebral discs, arthritis, osteoporosis
- Sciatica
If you suffer from a pain condition and are not sure if acupuncture can help you, email us or ring us on (07) 5535 8054
Stress is acupunctures, and specifically our, forte. Stress is rampant in our modern lives and the underlying cause of many of our serious and not so serious health problems, including that common experience of fatigue. When stress is dealt with other issues often resolve themselves as balance is restored. Our skills as acupuncturist can give you escape from the cycle of stress.
At Studio Qi, we have treated successfully a number of patients on their path to quit smoking. If you are mentally ready to give up smoking and have made a conscious decision to do so then acupuncture is for you. The process you go through when giving up smoking needs support on many levels, emotionally and physically. Acupuncture helps quell the lows, anxiousness, headaches, low energy and fuzzy mind, balancing the body so that your withdrawal is less dramatic.
See our "addictions" tab for more information on how we can help you or email us or call us on (07) 5535 8054.
There are many types of skin disorders which Acupuncture can treat. The main types we see in our clinic are eczema, psoriasis, acne and dermatitis. There are many different causes for these conditions, so we diagnose the organ system which is not functioning properly by the characteristics of the condition. We look at the moisture of the skin in general; location of the skin disorder and what factors aggravate it or relieve it. Also how it feels for you (itchy, hot, dry). All these factors are important for us to find the underlying problems and prescribe acupuncture and Chinese herbs to relieve your discomfort.
If you would like to know more about skin disorders and how we can help you, email us or call us on (07) 5535 8054
Musculoskeletal and soft tissue sporting injuries are some of the most common conditions we treat. We can support you in any injuries from a sprained ankle to rehabilitation for reconstructive knee or back surgery. Our main aim for treatment is to reduce inflammation and pain, increase range of movement to encourage healing. We can also use electroacupuncture to increase the intensity of the treatment and aid in a speedy recovery.
If you would like to know more about how acupuncture can help a sporting injury, email us or call us on (07) 5535 8054