Birthing Women
For all our birthing women around the world I suggest connecting to Jane Hardwicke Collings via FB or Insta. She is a very passionate wise women who has lots to share and say about her lived experience of supporting the natural birthing process over many moons.
I believe in these uncertain times if you are a birthing mum to be then this lady can give you the belief and support you may be looking for.
We of course are also here at Studio Qi for the pregnant women and have been looking after women for nearly 20 years, so please reach out if there are any questions you think we may be able to answer for you.
Plus!! Brad and I have created our own online acupressure course for birth, Supporting Natural Birththat we have made to support your birthing process. In this course we teach you and your birthing partners the points that can give you the birth you are looking for. It's simple and easy to follow with a work book and several mini videos that show you why, when and how to use these acupressure points during all the phases of birth.
It's true, the body does know what to do and women are so capable at having the birth they want, so this course actually gives your birthing partner tools to support you to do your thing, birthing your baby.
Best Tabitha