Doing what you love...
Doing what you love, with who you love will crack you wide open, your heart will sing and all your worries will dissolve and your health will soar.
This goes with any therapy I believe, tune in and make sure that the therapist and their technique works for you, that it makes you feel alive and happy.
Brad and I do yoga every Monday morning, even though we are not supper flexible, it makes our week start with a connection to our body and mind allowing us to see what matters and reminds us how to be when life may get busy or overwhelming. It anchors us so we can be the best acupuncturists, parents, wife, husband, business owners, kids on holidays, cooks, cleaners, friend, lover and general good honest human being.
This pose reminded me that I am small, tiny and so compact and all I need to be, but then so open, big and expansive the one who is ready to take on the World.
Find your anchor to remember this and breathe.
Best, Tabitha
Tags:acheswomen's healthcenteredanswersactivebodycalmingyoga |