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Tabitha Talk Info

Posted by Tabitha Fennell on 26 November 2018
Tabitha Talk Info

So my last Tabitha talk on libido, parenting and relationship was so much fun, with lots of curious woman wanting to learn how they could support their libido and bring more sensuality back into their life and relationships while navigating parenthood. Tricky at times but so doable.

So it all starts with the self I believe, and my three top rituals that have enhanced my life are so simple and can be easily implemented throughout the day. None of these rituals take up a huge amount of time but the compounding effect is how you receive the full benefit.

I also revealed how aliveness in relationship can be ignited by understanding your mythology as a couple, take a listen to Episode 3 on Turn on the Podcast to get further insight.

We also talked about how Traditional Chinese Medicine explains libido and how lifestyle and food can build this.

So if you would like to gather a group of your girlfriends and have a morning tea full of these juicy conversations that make life more alive and real, then contact me. 


Best, Tabitha

Author:Tabitha Fennell
About: Acupuncturist and Director of Studio Qi
Tags:livinglifewomen's healthinspiringlibidobusiness womenrelationshipssexGold CoastsupportsexlifelifestylelovefunFacilitateFacilitationempoweringgrowthBurleighfamilymarriagepodcastsguest speaker

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