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Menopausal time line

Posted by Tabitha Fennell on 1 October 2018
Menopausal time line

It's interesting to know that every woman starts this menopause phase at different times and that we can be entering into this phase earlier than what we might imagine. Symptoms like fuzzy mind, insomnia, tiredness and low libido all can be signs of your hormone system changing.

I think because we are so busy in life that we just put it down to that but actually the change is upon us.

So how do we support ourselves in the early days of change? That's the question I have been asking myself.

What do you do?

Best, Tabitha




Author:Tabitha Fennell
About: Acupuncturist and Director of Studio Qi
Tags:hormonesexercisestresswomen's healthfatiguewellbeingwisdomanxiouscenteredlibidoenergybusiness womenestrogenGold Coastchallengeexhaustedsupportdepressionangrycalminglifestylemenopausehot flushesvagina tissueempoweringanxietyBurleighacupuncturefemininewomenperi menopause

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